Mark R. Haranas, president and CEO of MutualOne Bank and a MutualOne Charitable Foundation trustee, announced today that the Foundation has granted a $4,626 request from Programs For People in Framingham for the purchase of equipment and supplies to enhance the organization’s ability to provide the best possible services to adults who are recovering from serious mental illness.
The majority of the items are needed for the organization’s employment services, according to Iris Carroll, MPH, Programs For People director. Additional purchases will be made for “The Lunch Box,” the program’s onsite pre-vocational food service program for clients preparing to eventually work in the community.
“As a self-supporting organization, Programs For People relies on the community as a whole in order to continue its work,” said Haranas. “The MutualOne Charitable Foundation is pleased to help by providing for the purchase of items that will bring added value to the program.”