There’s no reason to wait for the mail to see your loan bill. Or worry that it might be lost, misplaced or stolen on the way to your mailbox.
Receive an email when your loan bill is ready to view
We will send you an email alert when your loan bill is ready for viewing.
Here’s all you have to do to go paperless
1. Register for Online Banking
Click here to Sign Up for Online Banking. Follow the instructions using your loan account number to register. You will receive an email notification confirming your registration.
2. Enroll in our eDocuments service
Log into Online Banking, select the eDocuments tab, and enroll in our eDocuments service.
Congratulations, you’ve gone paperless!
You will receive an email alert when your next loan bill or deposit statement is available for viewing. Just log into Online Banking and select the eDocuments tab to view. We will also stop sending loan bills and deposit statements through the mail. If you have any questions, please contact Client Services at (508) 820-4000.